
I suppose it had to happen. In the fullness of time someone notices a blog, follows it and then when the original blogger gets an award and needs someone to pass it onto – they, of course, select those they follow and enjoy.  And their followers find new opportunities for more blogs to read. At first I wondered about these awards and then I realized they are a wonderful form of community building in the blogosphere.

Yesterday I awarded 15 nominations from, today I’ve gotten three new nominations for AnotherBoomerBlog.  And so it goes.  I’m wondering how many facts I have to divulge this time and if I’ll soon be giving the size of my great toe.

First up on the list:  The Sunshine Award from Rose at An Etiquette Guide for Sluts.  Thank you, Rose.  I love your blog too. 🙂

The rules of the award state that you have to link to your nominating blogger  – answer some questions, and then pass the award on to ten other bloggers.

Here are the questions.

Favorite State:  Alaska

Favorite Saying: God grant me the Serenity to accept the People I cannot change, Courage to change the One I can and Wisdom to know that one is Me.

Favorite Bird:  Phoenix  … if I must choose a real bird it would be an Alaska Raven – the ones that are so big they can take the tops off sealed garbage cans.

Paper or Plastic:  Paper or plastic WHAT?  Cloth bags. Plastic sandwich wraps. Wrapping paper for gifts.

The Best Advice I have been given: You really don’t want me to put that purple color on your hair. (Note: It was supposed to wash out – it didn’t.)

Favorite Holiday: Whatever the next one is.

Best Holiday:  Going to West Yellowstone and realizing the horrible stench from the volcanic water could clear my sinuses.

Favorite Activity: Photography and digital photo editing.

Drum Roll…… The Ten Nominees!  (Oh, Lord, I just did 15 yesterday)

1. One Life This Life  a photography blog that has inspired me.

2. Year Struck A writer – funny, pithy, enjoyable.

3. Crime Dime Thank you for shining light on the inadequate practices in the system of jurisprudence.  (Note – as of 2013 it appears Crimedime has pretty much been abandoned.)

4. #iPhoneography & Observations one of the inspiring iPhoneography blogs I follow.

5. Deafened But Not Silent Peter Stelmacovich is a Canadian Audiologist – I’ve learned a lot from him and the lessons his beloved Hearing Ear Dog, Aimee provided during her lifetime.

6. Your Lighter Side A low carb site created by a smart, funny woman with excellent recipes designed for people living a low carb life. Great resource for diabetics!

7. VirtuaVet – packed full of helpful information for pet owners.

8. Rumpy Dog Rumpy and the critter crew are always a great read – especially when you consider they’re raising awareness for shelters and for ethical treatment of animals.

9. Hearing Elmo about hearing loss and the impact on the HoH person, family, friends, and relationships it the greater community.

10. CCAC Blog advocacy for universal captioning.

Again, thank you to Rose for the award.  I hope the nominees will see fit to accept and “spread sunshine all over the place.”

April 18, 2013 kindly nominated AnotherBoomerBlog for the Dragon’s Loyalty Award.

In order to accept we must:

  • Proudly display the award.
  • Post the win with a link back to DeafInPrison
  • List 15  deserving blog sites to take up the mantle.
  • Comment back to them, so they too will know that they’ve been nominated.
  • Post 7 interesting things about myself

interesting things about me:

  • I was in Fairbanks, Alaska the winter it was -55°.
  • I follow a high protein/low carb WOE (Way of Eating) and am going to have to ask David of how to make LC Mac & Cheese; we’ll have to swap LC cheesecake recipes.
  • I want to learn how to skate on inline roller skates without breaking every bone in my body.
  • I’ve taken up Tai Chi recently and need to practice more often.
  • My favorite cheeses are Armenian String Cheese and Ski Queen Gjetost Goat Cheese.
  • My favorite meal is cajun spiced catfish.
  • I just found out how to use the iPhone camera in Panorama mode so there may be new types of shots on the photoblog.


  1. The Say What Club, a very informative loss about hearing loss.
  2. The CCAC Blog, which focuses on universal captioning for the deaf and hard of hearing.
  3. The Lexington School/Center for the Deaf, just what the name implies – and a blog full of useful information.
  4. The Limping Chicken, The UK’s independent deaf news and deaf blogs website! Lays eggs every weekday morning.
  5. Deafened But Not Silent, the blog of a deaf audiologist who works for Phonak Canada – he has a CI.
  6. Eye Can’t Hear You, Life with Usher Syndrome.
  7. Hayleigh’s Cherished Charms, a delightful young lady who makes hearing aid and CI charms – okay, it’s not a blog, it’s a business – but I want everyone to support this enterprising young lady.
  8. Apple Deaf News, Apple news of interest for we deafies.
  9. Hearing Elmo, a blog on hearing loss and invisible disability.
  10. TerpsTube, a blog by and for ASL terps with information on a variety of deaf services and issues.
  11. Deaf News Today, a good news source for deaf related items of interest
  12., Shanna is involved in various advocacy issues.  I think DeafInPrison already nominated her, so this is just an add on.
  13. Rumpy Dog, nothing to do with Deafness, but all sorts of stuff to do with dogs, my favorite critters, and animal advocacy.
  14. Life With Dogs Blog, okay, so I love dogs, so sue me!
  15. Cupcake Speaks, Cupcake’s Mom is a children’s author, and Cupcake is a virtual friend of Duke the Dog, who is the Boomer’s doggie nephew.


  1. Yay! Thanks for the shout out. We’ve never had the Dragon’s Loyalty Award. Mom just submitted her Dragon Sandwich story this morning! Coincidence?? Hmmmm…. Plus I’m afraid of dragons!! *gulp*

    Love and licks,

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